RBF with Single Utxo

On this page we are going to show how to create a Single UTXO transaction step by step

Basically, RBF with ordinals is almost the same as Rune RBF

Let me show you step by step how to use RBF with Single Utxo

Step#1 Go to the Ordinals

Step#2 Select the ordinal collection that you want to RBF

Step#3 Select one or more ordinals that you want to RBF

Step#4 After you have selected the ordinals you want to buy, you will be able to see the total amount for the ordinals you want to RBF in the lower right corner of the screen. If all ordinals were selected correctly, you can proceed with the next steps

Step#5 Make sure to put a checkmark next to "Single UTXO"

Step#6 Fee rate for transaction

You can choose one of the options presented by clicking on "Low", "Medium", or "High". If you want to enter a custom amount of sats, you can simply type it

Step#7 Fee rate for Split transaction

To change the fee rate on the Split transaction, you need to click on the check mark, like I did in the screenshot

After that, you will be able to see the same options as in the main transaction or enter your custom sats

Step#8 Create transaction

When we finish setting the fee rate for both transactions, we can click on the "Buy" button.

After this, you will need to wait a few seconds for your transaction to be generated

Step#9 Sign main transaction

If you are receiving such a transaction with only your wallet address in the inputs and outputs, please check our guide on how to create a dummy UTXO.

Before you proceed to sign the transaction, please make sure that you are receiving Ordinals. Please refer to the example on my screenshots! Always check what you sign!!!

Let's review my inputs

  • #1 my dummy Utxo (It must always be used in BUY/RBF transactions)

  • #2 first ordinal

  • #3 second ordinal

  • #4 my Utxo which will be used to pay for the transaction

Let's review my outputs

  • #1 remaining balance + 2 ordinals

  • #2 BTC for seller#1

  • #3 BTC for seller#2

You probably will see the same warning, but don't worry about it. It shows the warning because we are combining 2 ordinals and UTXO with BTC in one UTXO.
You would need to enter "CONFIRM" to proceed

Step#10 Sign split transaction

Let's review my outputs

  • #1 dummy Utxo

  • #2 first ordinal

  • #3 second ordinal

  • #4 remaining BTC

You can split Utxos in the Unisat wallet by going to your bought ordinal

example how to split in Unisat wallet

Step#11 Transaction ID

After signing the main and split transactions, you will be able to see their IDs in the bottom left corner of the screen

Also, you will be able to see that you are a top bidder, as shown in the screenshot

Last updated