
On this page, we are going to describe what "MultiSend" is and how it works

Difference between UTXOs

Let's take a look at a UTXO with only Sats

You can see that there are

  • TxId - is ID of transaction where your UTXO was created

  • Vout - index of your UTXO that was created in TxId

  • Confirmed - it will show true or false , depends on was your transaction confrimed or not .

  • Value - amount of sats in this UTXO

  • Name - Name of ticker or Name of Inscriptions depends on Type of UTXO

  • Type:

    • utxo - only sats

    • ins - Inscription

    • rune - Rune

What "MultiSend" is ?

Basically, 'MultiSend' involves manual transaction creation

It shows all your UTXOs, including Runes and Inscriptions

What is for ?

Let's say I want to send the same amount of sats to two different wallets

Step#1 Select your UTXO with sats

Step#2 Create 2 outputs

You can create as many outputs as you want by clicking on the "Field"

Step#3 You need to enter wallet addresses that will receive sats

Step#4 Enter the amount for the receiver addresses

Step#5 Enter the amount that we will receive back

Here we need to do some math:

Our input is UTXO with 458546 sats

The first receiver gets 100,000 sats

The second receiver gets 200,000 sats

So, after all, our remaining UTXO with sats should be (458546-100000-200000=158546) sats

And from this amount, we need to allocate some part for fees .

I would leave 5000 sats for the fee, so the third output should be (158546-5000=153546)

Step#6 Click on the "Send" button to create your transaction

Step#7 Sign transaction

Let's review the transaction I just created

As you can see, the network fee of this transaction is the same as what I left before in Step #5

In inputs we have my UTXO with sats

In outputs we have

  • The first receiver gets 100000 sats

  • The second receiver gets 200000 sats

  • The third output consists of our remaining amount of sats

Last updated