Dummy UTXO

On this page, we are going to describe what a dummy UTXO is and how to create it.

Dummy UTXOs and their function

To facilitate the swap transaction process, "dummy UTXOs" are generated in the buyer's wallet . These dummy UTXOs are essentially placeholders and serve a specific purpose in constructing swap transactions. However, it's important to note that these dummy UTXOs are immediately consumed and recreated within the buyer's wallet during the swap transaction. As a result, they never leave the buyer's wallet.

A dummy UTXO is needed in every RBF transaction with Ordinals

If you are creating transactin with

  • 1 Ordinal - you need to have 2 dummy UTXOs

  • 2 Ordinals - you need to have 3 dummy UTXOs

  • 3 Ordinals - you need to have 4 dummy UTXOs

If your wallet doesn't have enough dummy UTXOs to create a transaction, you will get an auto-generated transaction with the creation of dummy UTXOs when you try to RBF something.

How to create dummy UTXOs ?

Let me show you how to create dummy UTXOs on my example

I am trying to create RBF transaction with 10 Ordinals

If I were to click on 'BUY'

I would get an auto-generated transaction with the creation of dummy UTXOs because my wallet doesn't have enough dummy UTXOs to create a transaction with 10 Ordinals

You would need to wait until this transaction (dummy UTXOs creation) confirms. After confirmation, you would be able to create a ordinals rbf transaction.

Last updated